Sunday, January 12, 2014

What's up my sleeve for 2014

The good news is that I've got a lot of irons in the fire for 2014.

The bad news is that most of them are not in a state where I can talk about them right now.

Let's just say that I'm going to be a busy girl this year. Considering setting up a caffeine IV drip.

But one thing I can talk about is my first nonfiction book: A Nerd Girl's Guide to Cinema.

Inspired by my stint as reviewer at Horrorview, I'm putting together a book of 200 movie reviews. My thinking is that you don't need me to tell you to see Star Wars or The Lord of the Rings, but maybe you do want my opinions on some of the more oddball movies that might pop up when you're browsing Hulu or Netflix. There will be cult classics, interesting failures, direct-to-video oddities, and much more. There'll be a heavy dose of the horror, sci-fi, and thriller genres, but also a little bit of everything: martial arts, anime, film noir, European art-house, silent films, and so on.

I'm currently into the home stretch for writing reviews, and an illustrator is at work on the cover (I've seen the roughs, and this is going to look fantastic). I'm aiming for a release this autumn - further details as and when!

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